Secretary Massage
Naihati Prolife
From the Desk of Secretary
Our responsible and experienced members are trying to provide basic and needful facilities for the wellbeing of poor people of Naihati.
Naihati Prolife had a very eventful milestone of 20 years. We have set ourselves many goals like declining the growth of HIV/STD among high-risk groups like FCSWs, ML, and Truckers to less than 1%. promote 100% safe commercial sex prevention and control of opportunities infection among PLWHA and TB patients. Promote education among children of the FCSWs, street and platform children, and children of Brick Fields around Naihati including rural outskirts. Create access to Everyone to safe drinking water, improved sanitation including maintenance of menstrual hygiene forever in the selected blocks of selected districts in W.B.
To mainstream the out-of-school children of the vulnerable communities and to enable them to live with dignity has always been a priority. After years of hardship and fight, we are seeing a change. Our students have joined rallies and walks for different causes like Observance of Hand Washing Day, Water Day, Sanitation Day, and triggered their demand for improved sanitation and safe drinking water at home. The committed and dedicated workers of this organization are delivering their dauntless fight for positive change has been recognized by National and International organizations.
There is evidence here and there in the community and institution of a selected area of intervention of a welcome change in infrastructure and the attitude. We can see provisions for improved sanitation with change room ad 24*7 hours water service in every girl and co-educational schools of our area of intervention.
The children of migrant laborers of brickfield who remained illiterate generation after generation are now getting the light of literacy and a few of them are also admitted in regular schools around their residence village. There is still a long way to go but at least there is a beginning.
The patience, perspiration, and dedication of the entire staff are evident in all these activities one cannot but applaud the leaders and their devoted team, for their humanity and professionalism. May God continue to bless them with resounding accolades and achievements in the years to follow.